VB has once again launched their Raise A Glass Appeal, with the added announcement that they plan to reunite the family members of the diggers who inspired the original campaign.
The movement, now entering its fourth year calls upon Australians of all ages to raise a glass, of anything whatsoever, on Anzac Day and share stories of diggers with their mates.
This year VB is donating $1 million to campaign partners Legacy and the Returned and Services League (RSL). This commitment will see funds raised since 2009 reach in excess of $4.7 million, contributing to dozens of important projects.
This year an emotive television commercial will also accompany the campaign. Featuring Legacy widow Bree Till, who was pregnant when she lost her husband Brett in Afghanistan in 2009, it encourages Australians to remember those left behind when service men and women make the ultimate sacrifice for their country. Also featuring General Peter Cosgrove, the commercial was shot at Cronulla beach, where Brett and Bree were married and where Brett’s remains now lie.