It’s an embarrassment of riches for the team at Redoak – every time they blink, it seems, they’re winning awards both here in Australia and overseas.
This week, the results of the World Beer Awards 2013 were announced, and Redoak were delighted to be able to fly the Aussie flag and snare “World’s Best” honours in two categories: Sour Beer / Lambic and Dark Beer / Strong Dark Ale. The winning brews for the team were the Redoak Lambic Blackberry, and the barnstorming Wee Heavy Ale.
On top of the two “World’s Best”, Redoak also scooped seven “Asia’s Best” awards, with their Honey Ale, Old Ale, Baltic Porter, Special Reserve, Weizen Dopple Bock, Wee Heavy Ale and Lambic Blackberry.
For a full rundown on the winners from around the world, head to the World Beer Awards website.
For more information on Redoak, head along the Redoak website.