The Flying Horse Bar and Brewery in Warrnambool has put its microbrewery on the market.
Details are as follows:
Vessel 1
Hot Water Tank 1200L – steam heat via jackets.
Above is 850 Lauter/Mash Tun with motorised stirrer.
Vessel 2
Kettle 1200L steam jacketed/whirlpool
Ducting for extraction fan Pipe work includes centrifugal pump + 2 plate frame heat exchangers
1) Model T4CH Thermaline inc
2) Model T4CH Thermaline inc
Brewhouse is on a skid

Vessel 3
Cold Water Tank for cooling 1500 litres stainless steel
-Manifold and circulation pump
-Plate and frame exchanger
– Circulation pump for brewhouse
2nd heat exchanger
Vessels 4, 5 & 6
Fermentors all 1200 litres @
304 Stainless Steel Construction & valves for rack & bottom outlets.
Brine jackets to temperature controllers
Bottling tanks Vessels 7, 8 & 9
1200L capacity each
Brine jacketed
Valves rack, bottom & CIP line

1 compressor 270 litres/min air 1 Keg Washer ML-C2
1 NSC digital scales 2-220kg
1 Brine Unit Model HLAU40
1 Simons Boiler – electric & associated pipe work, steam & water taps.
There is also a bottling machine and DE Filter to be thrown in for good measure.
For more information or to express interest contact Matt on (03) 5562 2254