With the growth of craft and the growth of mid-strength, it is no surprise Matso’s Broome Brewery is set to combine the two. The brewery has been experimenting with a 3.5% mid-strength Pale Ale recipe, which has been trialled in their bar in Broome and hotels in Perth for the past few months.
“Craft beer is in huge growth and simply because consumers are wanting more flavour in their beer, said Matso’s national sales manager, Scott Player. “The mid-strength market is massive and although most drinkers are happy with a passive lager flavour there are plenty of others that want more and the options are limited.”
Matso’s are using consumer feedback on small test brew batches to tweak the recipe, with them hoping to launch the final beer late October/early November.
“Like any craft beer it is the ingredients that are vital, so Galaxy hops are playing a big part delivering tropical fruit hints and wonderful aromatics. Specialty malts are being used to balance the beer ensuring we have body despite the lower ABV,” said Player. “Can’t be specific with IBUs at the moment as the beer is evolving but we are aiming for 25 to 30 IBU, ensuring we pack plenty of hops in but still making the beer approachable and refreshing to drink.”