Margaret River Brewhouse’s Backyard Brewing Tournament is back for it its seventh event with the 2022 competition to be its biggest one yet.
This year homebrewers from across WA will have their beers judged by a panel of industry experts, including Margaret River Brewhouse’s own brewing cohort of Caitlin Ellis and Joe Grieg, Artisan Brewing’s Brian Fitzgerald, Cowaramup Brewery’s Jeremy Good, Running With Thieves’ Reuben Herriman and beer journalist Jono Outred who is a regular contributor to Beer & Brewer magazine.
The panel will determine whose brew is the best in the west, with the winner receiving prizes that include having their winning beer brewed and served on tap at Margaret River Brewhouse as well getting statewide distribution in cans.
“Our Backyard Brewing tournament is a community event, banding together brewers from across the region and further afar to share their passion and craft their own beer,” Margaret River Brewhouse’s owner Iliya Hastings said. “For competitors, we hope this competition helps to promote you and, best of all, get you brewing with like-minded people.”
Entries to the Backyard Brewing Competition are now open and more details can be found at: margaretriverbrewhouse.com.au/backyardbrewing.
The tournament culminates in an awards night which celebrates and recognises all the brewers who entered.

Former competition winner Travis Moore (pictured above), who co-launched Phat Brewclub after he and fellow club members won the competition with their coffee cream porter back in 2020, believes the awards night is as much a drawcard as the tournament itself.
“There were many (highlights), but the awards night itself was an absolute blast. The Brewhouse team really put on a good show and for us it was such a fantastic reward for all of those cold nights brewing and refining our recipes.
“Then getting to make our winning beer Phat Porter and having it poured on tap, I will never forget that first pint.”
The 2016 winner, and well-respected homebrewer, Chris De Chaneet believes the competition is a great way for homebrewers to improve.
“Entering your beer in the Backyard Brewing Tournament… will force you learn about the style guidelines and how to design a recipe to conform to a style. If you are serious about making the best beer possible, entering a competition encourages you to critique your brewing process with the aim of improving quality and consistency. The feedback from judges can be useful to improve your homebrewing and if your beer is awarded a medal, you have bragging rights for years.”
• Entries are now open and close May 25
• Beer submissions close June 17. Drop them at Margaret River Brewhouse, 35 Bussell Highway, Margaret River. A Perth drop off location will be provided (TBA).
• Awards Night June 24 @ Margare River Brewhouse