Australian craft beer and fermentation fans are being invited to join the global community of homebrewing hobbyists in recognition of the 24th annual Learn to Homebrew Day on the first Saturday in November.
America’s Homebrewers Association (AHA) is encouraging homebrewers from around the world, whether experienced or first-timers, to pledge to brew their own beer on November 5 and welcome those curious about the craft to experiment with their first batches.
This year’s official recipe – a hoppy amber ale (see below) – is extract-based and is a great beer for both beginners and experienced brewers.
For first-time homebrewers, the AHA has a checklist of essentials – many of which are found in the average kitchen, such as a large pot to use as a brew kettle.

LTHD22 Hoppy Amber Ale Recipe
This extract-based recipe is quick and easy and produces almost four litres of ale with a hop profile that pushes the limits of American-style amber ale into IPA territory. If you’re new to homebrewing, check out these extract homebrewing tutorials.
400g Pilsner dry malt extract
280g Pale dry malt extract
140g Crystal 40 malt
140g Crystal 80 malt
11g Nugget hops (60 minutes)
7g Amarillo hops (15 min)
7g East Kent Goldings hops (0 minute)
1/2 packet dry ale yeast (for example, Mangrove Jack’s M42 New World Strong Ale)
23g corn sugar (for bottling)
Yield: 3.8 litres
ABV: 4-5%
IBU: 45-60
SRM: 14
1. Heat 3.8 to 5.7* litres of brewing water to 71°C.
2. In a muslin bag steep the grains. After 30 minutes, remove/discard the grain bag and stir in the malt extract. Stir until the extract is fully dissolved, taking care none has collected on the bottom of the pot.
3. Once the extract is dissolved, bring the liquid to a boil.
4. Follow the hop addition schedule listed in the ingredients. Note that the timing of hops is from the end of the boil. This recipe calls for a 60 minute boil, so the 60 minute addition of hops are added as soon as the boil begins.
5. After 60 minutes, turn off the heat and add in the 0-minute hop addition. Chill your wort down below 21°C, transfer to a fermenter, and pitch the yeast. Ferment in the temperature range called for by the yeast you use.
6. When fermentation is complete (typically approx. two weeks), bottle condition using the corn sugar listed in the ingredients to carbonate your beer. After another approx. two weeks in bottles, you’re good to taste your homebrew!
*This recipe aims to produce 5.7 litres of wort at the end of the boil. Depending on your heat source, you will need to start with more water or top up in the fermenter!