The Independent Brewers Association (IBA) will be hosting a Webinar with its board on Thursday 26 March at 3pm to discuss how the industry will tackle the COVID-19 situation.
A YouTube channel will open, allowing members to ask questions and hear from the board directly about the #KeepingLocalAlive campaign.
There will also be an update on the IBA’s federal lobbying efforts to get support for indie brewers, as well as information and advice for brewers to cope with the evolving crisis.
“Our No 1 priority is finding ways that we can work together to make sure this industry survives,” IBA chairman Pete Philip said in a statement. “We’ve created a resource page where we are putting all of the information we have to date including links to state and federal websites businesses dealing with this crisis so check our COVID-19 Resource page for regular updates.”
The IBA also had good news to report. Following lobbying from the IBA and others, The Food Forum Ministers met on Friday 20 March and have decided to review the proposed pregnancy warning labels that were designed by FSANZ ( Food Standards Australia and New Zealand) and opposed by the IBA.
In addition, Kylie Lethbridge has been appointed as the IBA’s new general manager. She will be joining the board on Thursday’s Webinar.
With pubs and brewpubs forced to close their doors on Monday 23 March, many breweries have been setting up takeaway and home delivery services. In response, the IBA has put together a guide on how to do just that.