As sustainability becomes non-negotiable for millions of Aussies, brands must respond. Targets from ANZPAC have been set to establish best practice. But what are they, and where does PakTech come in?
For many years, PakTech’s relationship with the Australian market has grown. Like PakTech, Australia is passionate about sustainability and the circular economy, and minimising our impact on the environment. From our headquarters in Oregon, using state-of-the-art manufacturing, technology and recycled, recyclable products, we’ve been helping our customers – brewers like you – meet the needs of your customers. However, to fulfil our vision of ‘Made in Australia, recycled in Australia, and repurposed again into new products in Australia’, we needed to expand. Earlier this year, that vision came to life, when we formally opened manufacturing facilities here in Australia.
Having boots on the ground, allows us to better serve our customers. However, we work with a stakeholder far bigger than any of us, either individually or collectively: planet earth. To minimise the industry’s impact, ANZPAC (The Australian, New Zealand and Pacific Islands Plastics Pact), has laid out a series of targets for businesses to adhere to. As consumers prioritise the brands who are taking sustainable products and practices seriously, meeting ANZPAC’s targets must be a priority. How does PakTech help?

ANZPAC Target: Eliminate unnecessary and problematic plastic packaging through redesign, innovation and alternative (reuse) delivery models.
PakTech is committed to the inclusion of NIR Detectable colourant in our black products. Our handles are lightweight and use significantly less material than paperboard alternatives.
ANZPAC Target: 100% of plastic packaging to be reusable, recyclable or compostable packaging by 2025. 100% of PakTech’s packaging products are currently recyclable and assessed as recyclable by APCO and the ARL Program. Can carries are reusable by consumers.

ANZPAC Target: Increase plastic packaging collected and effectively recycled by at least 25% for each geography within the ANZPAC region by 2025. PakTech products are currently kerbside recyclable, and waste through manufacturing is recycled. Visy Recycling, Endeavor Group, and Independent Craft Brewers are participating in additional drop-off locations.
ANZPAC Target: Average of 25% recycled content in plastic packaging across the region by 2025. PakTech products are currently made with 100% Recycled Australian HDPE.