Spéciale Cent Cinquante is a special edition, full-bodied and distinctive strong beer developed within the abbey to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the brewery. Produced with 100% natural ingredients, it is pale golden in colour and has a champagne-style sparkle.
According to the brewery’s notes, the “bouquet evokes the distinctive fruity notes of the Chimay yeast in harmony with a delicate spicy note and the fragrance of fresh noble hops”.
At 10% alcohol, it is slightly more alcoholic than the other Chimay beers in the range, and in a 750 ml bottle it is definitely one for a special occasion.
BID has received 50 cartons (750ml x 12) in Australia and says that the brew will only be available in good independents and some on premise venues.
Considering that the RRP will be close to $29.99 – pretty reasonable for a champagne-style bottle – and the last beer Chimay introduced was the Blanche Tripel nearly 50 years ago, this is definitely one for the collectors and lovers of Belgian Ales.