The largest publicly released study of local craft beer drinkers is back as Beer Cartel launch their sixth Australian Craft Beer Survey.
First conducted in 2016 and having canvassed the attitudes of 80,000 respondents since, the survey took a year off last year as the Sydney-based craft beer retailer chose to focus its spare energies on an equity crowd fund.
But with its return Beer Cartel said it would build on the insights gained in previous years while having a particular focus on the consumption trends of the emerging non-alcoholic and gluten free beer categories. It will also take a close look at the current trends in how people are buying their beer after the 2020 survey, the last one to be conducted, clearly showed Covid-19’s impact on people’s purchasing habits.
The 2022 Australian Craft Beer Survey can be completed here and $500 to spend with the retailer is up for grabs for those who take part.
Beer Cartel director Richard Kelsey said via a statement: “We’ve seen a significant increase in alcohol free brands available in the market over the past couple of years. It will be really interesting to see if that has translated into consumption across the wider market.
“In the last iteration of this study in 2020 we saw a shift to buying beer online, driven by the first Covid-19 lockdowns in Australia which forced on-premise venues to shut. This included breweries who had to close their taprooms for a period, with many opening online stores. Now that we are moving to a world where Covid-19 is less of an issue, it will be fascinating to see how this trend has changed.”