Geelong-based brewers Two Birds are well into planning the full-scale production of their second release brew, with the launch scheduled for early May.
The exact nature of their follow up to their Golden Ale is a closely guarded secret, though with a release date in autumn one can draw certain conclusions about what they might be cooking up. The brewer, Jayne Lewis, has been quoted as hinting that it will be a “full-flavoured ale that pours deep auburn in colour and displays biscuit, tropical, and grapefruit characters.”
Two Birds are currently brewing and bottling out of Southern Bay in Geelong, Victoria, but are on the lookout for the ideal spot to set up a shiny new brewery of their own. In the meantime these two plucky ladies are getting their hands dirty with SB team as they churn out their first releases.
For more information on Two Birds, visit twobirdsbrewing.com.au