Did we say world-class? Why yes, we did. In fact, our customers have used our ingredients in their WilliamsWarn brewing hardware and medalled in international beer competitions against 45 other mainstream and craft breweries. That was the Asia Beer Awards back in 2012 and 2013 and the quality hasn’t changed.
The WilliamsWarn BrewKeg makes it easy to consistently make great beer and cider. How’s that we hear you ask? It is the combination of our range of high-quality ingredient kits, the smarts of BrewKeg™ pressure fermentation and the ease of sediment removal that delivers you a ready-to-enjoy clear, crisp, carbonated beverage at the end of 7 days. Every single time.
We don’t want you to have to learn all the beer making chemistry if you don’t want to. Our kits stand alone and make a great beer however, you can get as creative as you like. Add your own hops, specialty grains and flavours to give your beer that special something. Perhaps a chocolate vanilla stout or a hop-driven APA is more to your liking? And all grain brewers, go for gold. We are the original and the best pressure fermenter on the market.
Drink straight from the fermenter or transfer to your own re-usable bottles or a corny keg. Because we have sustainability and re-use in our thinking, we’ll ensure that your recycling won’t fill up each week.
The WilliamsWarn BrewKeg™ is available in 10 Litre, 25 Litre or 50 Litre systems with packages and accessories for every budget. “From $1052 to get started and 65 cents per 330ml bottle to produce, it won’t break the bank and it will keep you self-sufficient while we live through these interesting times in the weeks and months ahead.